
Class Change Description
Assassin No change Assassins have abilities that allow them to create and exploit favorable conflicts with out-of-position and solo Heroes. They will improve team map control and vision as a result.
Fighter Replaces "Attacker" Fighters deal a large amount of damage using melee-based basic attacks. Explanation: The term "Attacker" is too vague and not intuitive enough. The distinction between melee and ranged basic attacks is significant enough to warrant separate traits. "Fighter" and "Ranger" are established terms that most people already understand.
Ranger Replaces "Attacker" Rangers deal a large amount of damage using ranged basic attacks.
Caster New trait Casters deal a large amount of damage using abilities.
Burst No change Burst Heroes can deal a large amount of damage quickly - usually ability damage, but not always!
Crowd Control Replaces "Controller" Crowd Control Heroes can disable or otherwise affect other Heroes’ mobility and positioning.
Tank Replaces "Durable" Tank Heroes are naturally tough through armor, health, or abilities that make them otherwise difficult to kill.
Sustain Replaces "Durable" Sustain Heroes are able to recover health or mana quickly, making them difficult to kill and/or giving them a long-lasting presence on the battlefield
Mobile Replaces "Elusive" Mobile Heroes have abilities which allow them to escape from bad situations or otherwise make them hard to hit.
Ganker No change Gankers excel at setting up quick, safe kills.
Guardian No change Guardians have abilities which help them keep their allies safe or assist in setting up allies for plays. They are especially good early game.
Initiator No change Initiators excel at being able to start a fight from range.
Carry Replaces "Marauder" Carries have the potential for the greatest end game power via itemization, though they are weaker earlier in the game.
Wave Clear Replaces "Sieger" Wave Clear Heroes have abilities which allow them to deal with waves of minions easily, whether on offense or defense.
Jungle Replaces "Wild" Jungle Heroes have tools which enable them to be effective clearing Jungle camps early in the game.
Zoner No change Zoners have tools which enable them to zone out or otherwise corral enemies by controlling space.
/r/FormatPractice Thread