Texan files $1 billion class-action lawsuit after receiving $9,000 electric bill

Let’s actually break this down, shall we? Biden was asked to push the grid to 100% power before the storm hit, in preparation for the storm. Usually it only runs at 60%. The state of Texas was told “Sure. But you’ll have to charge $1,600/megawatt.” The AP ran this story saying this was a false claim, that the DOE did grant ERCOT permission, HOWEVER they left out the part that they would have to charge $1600. The grid doesn’t run at 100% capacity because that allows it to exceed the “green pollution numbers.” Basically, it increases pollution above the rates allowable. So in the name of global warming, you’ve got millions in Texas FREEZING TO DEATH, because helping them would cause a bit more pollution for a little while. THIS is the kind of SHIT we are about to deal with for the next 4 years. They don’t care about the people who are suffering from this ridiculous “green” plan. Take the keystone pipeline for example. THOUSANDS are out of jobs now, but Biden doesn’t care because he’s making his constituents and supporters happy. I’m already over it.

/r/nottheonion Thread Link - abcnews.go.com