Texas firefighter brags about shooting neighbor's dogs with Facebook photo NSFW

My pitbull used to get loose from my fence a lot. He'd run as fast as he could & duck down really low & right before he got to the fence, & would blast through it like a bullet, bending it up just enough so that he'd slide underneath it, & literally bringing the fence out of the ground (Reminded me of that "ghost car" video where the car blasts through the fence looking like he went right through it but really he went underneath it?). He's so fast & muscular that he did it w/ease. He'd end up w/cuts & scratches all the way down his back, but he didn't care. I swear to god the fucker doesn't feel pain (he once got out of the fence & got hit by a car & it launched him 10-15 feet through the air; he got up & ran onto the front porch w/his tail between his legs, which is exactly what he does when he gets his butt busted. He ended up being totally fine)

Anyway, I tried everything to fix it where he couldn't get out: I tried holding the fence down by hammering U shaped pieces of steel into the ground over the bottom links; didn't work. I bought lumber & lined the bottom of the fence w/it; he still managed to get out somehow. I started chaining him up; (besides me feeling awful about doing it) he'd break free. I went through 3 of those latch things on the ends in like 2 months. As he's gotten older, wiser, & he's learned that he'll get in trouble if he does it, & he's stopped. He's a fantastic, loyal, sweet dog. He wouldn't hurt any1 unless they tried to hurt me or my brother, or any of my immediate family he's attached to. He's more of an inside dog now, so he's usually only outside for an hour (maybe 2 or 3 if it's nice out) so I just keep an eye on him nowadays when he's outside, & it's become a non-issue.

Point is it's not necessarily any1's fault if a dog gets loose. Dogs don't necessarily follow the rules all the time, & that doesn't make them a bad dog, nor necessarily does it make any1 a bad owner. I love my pit more than I can express in words & I prove that by the way I treat him. Am I a bad owner because he found ways to get out? No. & fuck you if you say I am, because I'm not.

Just because some1's dog gets out, doesn't mean it deserves to be shot, nor should the owner have to deal w/that. If some1 shot my dog, & I knew who did it, AND had the audacity to post it to FB bragging about it... I would follow them around for a month, spying on them, & learning their habits/routines, & wait until I'd found the perfect place, time, & opportunity to kidnap, torture, & murder them like I was goddamn Dexter Morgan. I'm not even slightlyjoking either. Now I'm not saying that's morally the right thing to do, I'm saying if that were my dogs, I wouldn't give any kinds of fucks how moral it was. Just like morally it'd be wrong for this fat fuck to get his head blown off, however, would it bother me if he did...? Not really. If say those 2 dogs lives were probly worth more than his, so eye for an eye, I say.

/r/news Thread Link - knue.com