Texas middle school teacher on administrative leave after telling his class that he thinks the white race is superior to other races

This is fucking deplorable.

And then people wonder why young black men and women don't work harder to better themselves more often. They're hassled by the police, they're judged for their zip code, they have polling stations removed in just their districts, as young children they have authority figures telling them that a fat, old, white dude is their genetic superior.

This shit doesn't even sicken me, I just feel rage hearing it, and more people need to feel that same rage, because there's no meeting at the table. There's no civil discussion or meeting of minds for people so dead set that they're the "master race". I'm sick of being told that you need to solve your problems with words by the monsters who have the scales tipped in their favor, and they KNOW that while they're happy to call you slurs and keep you down, if words are all you have to use then you'll never win.

They'll keep saying you need to meet them in the middle while they keep taking steps backwards.

I had a really hard life growing up, but I always believed I had an equal chance if I tried hard enough. I can't imagine what it would be like for young black people to be told that no matter what they do or how hard they try, they'll always be inferior.

This is just beyond fucked.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link - v.redd.it