Texas remains the state with most mass shooting deaths. What happens now?

My liberal politicians... I hate liberals as much as I hate you right wing fuckwits. So the liberals wrote in a law that violates our cobstitution... And its going to SCOTUS as it should to be smacked down. Not like a right wing politician ever signed in a law that violates our constitution... Oh wait, they have.

However, I agree on yhe funding mental treatment issue... But guess where that's gonna go with both reps and dems? Nowhere. Today this shooting is going to rally up both sides to spit their bullshit. In about 12-16 hours it will be forgotten... No mental health laws will be written... And in about a week or so another mass shooting will happen, and the cycle repeats... Rinse... Repeat... Rinse... Repeat.

So maybe talk to your right wing politicians about doing something. However, you never will... My best guess on your political effort is walking into a voting booth, pressing "vote straight ticket republican", and then the submit button.

/r/texas Thread Parent Link - usatoday.com