Texas school shooter ammunition summary

We have a mental heath crisis social economic crisis in this county. Don't belive me look at the fbi crime statistics for past few years and dive in to those numbers and where and who commits firearm crimes and murders. You will see a huge number is held in high crime democrat controlled city's with high levels of poverty. Then we have a huge number of suicides via guns in this country. I think your missing my point or maybe it wasn't stated clearly. We need to stop giving these people fame and fix the root cause. Firearms are not the root cause. My other point is our government is more worried about grand standing and having talking points for there elections than fixing problems. We give so much money to programs home and abroad with zero accountability on where or how spent. We could do so much better but everyone is caught up on proving who is right who is wrong that we can't come toughter and have real conversations and find solutions. Again I am pro 2a and feel anyone that is law abiding can have have what ever they want. Telling me what this dude had in ammo makes me sick tell me what we can do to beef up security and protect. Look up gun ownership in America if guns were the issue there would behundreds of thousands of shootings a day.

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