"Texas Senate bill would require schools to display Ten Commandments" - I'm disgusted and intimidated to be a parent in Texas, even in liberal Austin.

The bill lists the exact text the poster needs to say. Presumably the Ten Commandments in any other language (including Hebrew) would be disqualified for not including the English text of the bill.

For added strangeness, the bill's version of the Ten Commandments isn't an exact match for any English Bible translation to my knowledge, even abridged. For example, the poster has to say "Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images," while the KJV says "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image." A minor difference, but again, the bill says the text needs to be exact. So a poster of the actual Ten Commandments, as they're really printed in the Bible, wouldn't be good enough.

/r/atheism Thread Parent Link - texastribune.org