Texas teen shot dead for defending classmate from bully days earlier, police say

Sorry didn't realise we could go back and add large sections of text to our older comments to make it look like I wasn't addressing your points.

Bottom line is I'm not going to try to be logical with someone who didn't arrive at their conclusion with logic.

If you really think knives and pills have the potential to kill as many people as automatic weapons you're so brainwashed nothing will change your mind. You guys wake up with almost daily reports of school shootings but the fear is so entrenched that no one is able to ever consider gun control as a response.

I'm Australian, our school children/parents don't fear every day that it might be school, our police don't have to worry that every car they pull over might be their last, I don't have to regularly fear being in large congregations of people (cinemas, universities, music festivals).

And good luck organising a coordinated civilian response in the event of an invading superpower. You might have a small chance of prolonging you and your families lives by one or two days, but chances are you will be shot up by another civilian who couldn't tell if you were American or the enemy in civilian closed. Most citizens are not trained for war or even firefights, once the shooting starts panic and chaos will insue and the enemy will use your large amount of civilian weapons against you through misinformation and removing communications.

Also your government is already openly corrupt, i.e. not allowing government funded research in to gun violence, gerrymandering, voter discrimination, international involvement in your elections, etc and no one is matching to the white house to demand their democracy back.

Similarly if you really think in the event of a government dictatorship or some other seize of power/coup, that a civilian response has any chance at even coming close to matching the army/police response then again I want what you're smoking. Once again they will use those weapons against you, you will most likely be shot by another confused civilian that has had their communications cut.

Maybe maybe maybe if you were likely Israel and nearly ALL civilians underwent 2-3 years of military training after high school, maybe then what you said might apply somewhat, but still super unlikely...

You're working off a 250 year old document, written 100 years before automatic weapons had been conceived, that is desperately trying to adapt to the modern cyber world rife with misinformation and scare campaigns.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - cbsnews.com