Texas to Take Up Bill Requiring Ten Commandments in Every Public School Classroom and another that would allow schools to hire pastors or chaplains instead of counselors.

What would you have us do?

Obey the rules every other religion does, and don't put your religious iconography in schools. Don't force your religion on people.

No one is telling you that you can't proselytize, but we have a separation of church and state for a reason, and your religion does not get to ignore that.

We aren’t trying to hurt anyone,

Neither is anyone else trying to spread their relgion, and they don't get to indoctrinate kids either.

we are trying to show everyone how to live the most fulfilling way.

Unless you're one of the many people who was unfulfilled by it. I know quite a few of those.

Seriously, though, you haven't done what I've asked. You haven't explained to me why your religion alone getting to put your religious iconography in schools isn't forcing your religion on people. I'm maintaining my earlier answer; that when Christians say that they don't want to force religion on our kids, they are lying through their teeth.

His love is unconditional.

Biblically, his love is very conditional. It depends on worship. If you worship and supplicate, you will benefit from his love. If you don't, you're going to suffer, and his "love" won't give you a second chance. That is, from an all-powerful being, incompatible with unconditional love. The condition is easy to see.

This is part of why, even though I don't think God as a general concept can be disproved, I do think Christianity can be said to be logically inconsistent, and thus demonstrably wrong.

Nor would I force anything on you.

I'm less worried about you forcing things on me, and more worried about you forcing things on my (grand)kids. I'm an adult. I'm perfectly capable of responding to you. Kids aren't, and they shouldn't be indoctrinated into a specific religion against the will of the parents. Leave that to religious schools, and keep it out of public schools.

if I could start with putting a smile on your face,

I think you already know what would put a smile on my face. No 10 commandments in public school classrooms. That would just put a grin on my face.

Ok, I'm done harping on about that. You seem to want to prostleyze, and while I can assure you it won't work, I'll go along.

I can see just by your username that you might be a tough but to crack

Actually coincidental; years ago, reddit locked a ton of usernames because their databases got hacked, and anyone who didn't have a second form of verification just lost access to their username entirely. They did this to a lot of people at once. I just created another account by adding another number to the old one, u/sightless66, and only realized later what I'd done.

Why not let me, or any of His followers, take you to our church and maybe go to lunch after?

I'd be perfectly happy to take people up on that, and have done so multiple times in the past. Hasn't changed anything.

is that God, or Christians for that matter, don’t hate homosexuals or any of the different LBTGQ members.

/r/Christianity Thread Parent Link - thenewcivilrightsmovement.com