Texas veterans upset with VA office backlogs on claims. "There's always an excuse. They send you a letter saying they made a mistake and then they postpone what you need for another year or two ... If a foreign country needed money, they'd give them billions of dollars"

As far as education benefits, I haven't heard quite as many sour tales. Disability however... The region handling a claim here has been procrastinating our claim since 2009. Purposely miscalculated disability rating, awaiting completion of a prior INCORRECT CLAIM, so that a new revision can be made. They do not stop mid-process and review the claim with the correct information, you must wait the years involved for the prior appeal/claim to go through. They will actually remove your past disabilities then claim you at a lower rating upon revision after 'correctly re-adding your past dis'.

They claim you never respond to their letter, despite there being absolutely no single instance of them sending such a letter. Our mailman is a veteran and good friends, even he hasn't seen any such thing when delivering. Veteran with vocal paralysis as well, gets smack talked over the phone because of the character of his voice. Being talked down to because you reside in AL, or any southern state for that matter, automatically deems you as a racist pos depending on who's on the other line. Being discharged with your 20 because medically, you're simply no longer able to perform your duties?

That may rate you @ 60% if you're lucky, which may be just as well given you at least can retain TriCare at that tier. Nevermind that you can no longer enter the civilian sector with the skills and training you've acquired. Good luck working on the flightline, when you're all fucked up.

And at a complete loss as to what to even do. You can't do anything!!! A lawyer also is never going to take your case if you've already been rated! They get NOTHING out of it!

/r/news Thread Link - ktre.com