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Also, talking or texting about something exciting and then inadvertently offending your friends is one of hallmark of autism. Be aware of it. Your special interests are your special interests, and your dramas are your dramas, give person space and grace to have their own opinions.

Another tip. Some of your besties and romantic partners will be ADD and small things like mistypibg their name that will totally roll over because they do it too, while other besties and romantic partners will have obvious or hidden OCD and small stuff like mistyping their name will totally trip them over, because in their minds it's the kind of behavior that they would never do because they are always sweating over small stuff subconsciously.

I'm 38. Several of my friends are ADD and are all over the place, but I have a few OCD friends too, and they are wonderful people too, great listeners and very thoughtful people. Just have to apologize more once in a while if I make a blunder in our communication.

/r/aspergirls Thread