[text] reached an all-time low

I hope this comes off as I intend it to - there is not a single fucking good thing to make losing a parent even a bit better. But tomorrow will come no matter what, whether you want it to or not, and only if you are lucky. Try to smile. Try to see the good in the fact that you are still here and you might even get a chance to be here tomorrow.

My SO lost her mom without warning 2 years ago. My brother in law lost his mom without much warning 3 years ago. I've stood there and watched my best friend tried to hold back tears as I placed my pin on his dads casket, giving my condolences to his mom as he hugged her and looked at me and thanked me but had to look away because he couldn't hold the tears back any longer.

I've spent the last 9 months watching my dad suffer through a 3rd fight with cancer he will never win. Every fucking day I watch him get weaker. Some days are great and I take him out for a drive and it's like we never skipped a beat from a year ago. Some days he can't do anything but sleep. There's not a minute in any day over the last 9 months that I wouldn't trade to spend one more second with him.

But the funny thing is, no matter how many excuses I find to go over to my parents house and sit there with them. No matter how many dumb ass things I think to talk about him. The ongoing thing that he wants the most for me is to go on with my life. He hates that I take time out of my day to go over there and make him feel better.

That's the real silver lining with parents. The one thing they want the most for you is to build your life, be happy and go on and do whatever it is you want to do in this world because the only thing they ever wanted for you is to be happy.

You lost your dad without warning and I'm losing mine slowly every day. Trust me when I tell you, both situations are painful. Both fucking suck. The only thing either of us have (if we're lucky) is tomorrow. It might be terrible, it might be fucking awesome. But it won't be yesterday. We can't get that back.

The only thing your dad wanted for you is a better tomorrow. It might hurt. It might seem hopeless. But if you get a tomorrow, make the best of it because it is what he would have wanted.

/r/GetMotivated Thread