'Texting between iPhone and Android is broken:' Google puts Apple on blast for converting Android texts to green bubbles and 'blurry' compressed videos

You can pull the Apple dick out of your mouth boss.

iMessage is good, but it’s only at its best when used between Apple devices. If it was at its best between all platforms then I would have nothing to complain about.

Until you spend 40 hours a week troubleshooting these issues with actual customers and answer these questions 100 times a day, you don’t see the faults in the system.

There is a lot more wrong with it than you see. And the more you see the problems you see what can be fixed simply that is simply not being done because the benefits would be for both Apple and Android users.

We aren’t even allowed to help with Apple apps on android. We have to refer people to android support for those apps as Apple supports Apple apps on their platforms exclusively. We technically cannot assist with anything that involves android even if it is with a data transfer. We can explain the steps and tell them if it fails they simply have to retry.

/r/technology Thread Parent Link - businessinsider.com