TF nerfing Yemoja

That's a fair opinion, but I disagree that she can't be balanced. She hasn't been absolute top tier until Season 8 and the introduction of the new starter items. Before that, she was a counterpick to Arthur and gods with multiple movement abilities. Her meta has risen and fallen with Arthur.

She has a lot of counterplay. Most of her abilties are very telegraphed, making it easy to avoid the bulk of her damage. Her channel can be interrupted. Her healing can be countered. The only truly strong parts of her kit are her super long dash and cripple. Her passive is also nice, but not OP compared to other gods.

So it's really the item meta that's changed her spot. That's why Hirez nerfed her items along with her abilties. Personally, I think that's heavy handed, but they at least understood why Artio is stronger now.

She isn't the only god that has risen or fallen with the new starter items. I think that Hirez has buffed or nerfed a Starter in every single major patch since the start of the season. They still have more work to do, apparently.

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