TFW you might be non binary

I've had a lot of similar thoughts recently. Like you I've found it not hugely important because either way I'm not going to make any big changes and it's more just trying to settle my own mind on who/what I am.

I present masculine but it's just kind of been a default and I feel I have no real connection to being a man. I think it's hard to explain because I'm not sure if we're meant to 'feel' like we are a certain gender - kinda hard to know what is gender meant to feel like haha.

I've been looking into the label 'Agender' a bit recently and I think it makes some sense to me as I just don't really feel any connection to gender or that it defines me at all , I've started asking a few people to use they/them pronouns for me as well and that kind of feels right?

Take your time with it, maybe read about agender and see if it connects with you at all. Hopefully we'll both find some answers somewhen!

/r/lgbt Thread