In Thailand some of the big parking garages have a ladies parking area. The ladies parking areas are normally secure, well lit, and close to the entrance of the building.

You think US stats on general violent crime make a good case for why Thai women are in less danger than Thai men in the specific context of Thai parking garages? I can already tell no statistic could possibly satisfy you, since you're happy enough misapplying an invented one to argue against me.

I think that if you believe men are more likely to be accosted than women in dark parking lots when alone and on the way to their cars, you need to spend more time talking to and listening to women. Violent crime is not the only kind of danger in the world, and the reason men are much more likely to be victims of violent crime has little bearing on the context being discussed here. Even just being catcalled by a stranger when no obvious backup is around can be terrifying when that stranger is bigger and stronger than you.

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