Thank you to all the women who watch out for other women.

Not so much, I've had knives, a screwdriver and other weapons pulled on me in broad daylight with people around. Punched in the face several times - sometimes being mugged, sometimes at random. I've won a couple of these situations and lost a few. People being around hasn't made any difference as people generally don't intervene between men (or boys), you're pretty much on your own to take the beating or fight your way out. I can spot trouble a mile off now and take evasive action but it took growing up through bad shit happening fairly regularly for that to develop. Men target other men more as women are off limits for any kind of violence, and will be punished by other men for it. The men who are violent against women are the exceptions when it comes to this type of crime. At least in the UK. Whatever the stats are for violent attacks against men you can safely double or triple it as it doesn't get reported. You suck it up, mostly out of embarrassment. But then through all the situations I've faced, I've never thought it'd end in rape or kidnap, so the psychological aspect is likely more terrifying for women.

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