Thank you awesome ladies on Capital Hill for standing for us against racism yesterday


I am a Mexican immigrant, former undocumented, been there, done that, and I find it just mind-numbing how disconnected from reality people are. You complain about racism with the police and they will straight up roast you for being too soft and wasting their time when they could be attending to real crimes! there you go, straight from the horse's mouth. Is there a gradient to this? of course there is! the experience of a white, upper-class, Mexican women who came to Seattle via arranged marriage to a Microsoft employee for example; will be different from that of a farmworker from the Mexican sierras working and living in Yakima. Hell, there are self hating Latinos (most of Border Patrol are first-gen Mexican Americans who despise what their parents represent). But generally, cops in many communities will act rude, and downplay the crime if they even make an arrest. Fuck, my girlfriend was molested as a kid, and the fucking lazy-ass courts system downplayed it to some chickenshit charge so that they could deport him faster, because it would be too expensive to have this guy in jail for years. 3 days later after deportation he was back, ready to drunk-drive and run over an innocent lady. It is a numbers game, with limitations because of said numbers, and there are people so burned-out, so evil, so lazy, and so shitty that they will use that as an excuse to not pursue crimes, just to fuck with people, just out of spite even. But a white girl sheds some tears? fuck, they'll drop their anti-sentimentalism argument and mobilize the national guard, ready to dismember whomever dared do something that made that lady cry.

Ever seen government institutions throwing their political tantrum with malicious compliance? Remember when they tried to integrate the NYPD and the New Orleans PD decades ago? they couldn't just obey a legal and reasonable mandate, oh fuck no, they had to throw their tantrum of course! They hired the absolute worst minorities they could find on purpose (argument was that there was no way in hell there could be any clean minority applicants duh!), and when shit inevitably went sideways, they immediately blamed it on minorities: "We ToLd YoU sO! Minorities are not competent enough to be cops" Who the fuck suffered in that instance? the communities affected by the shitty minority cops (you guessed right: minority communities).

So I am not saying that the police/government won't be there to help you, be your friend, and have coffee with you. I am saying that they won't do the same for all, and the dude putting the blame in the victim above? that is a common-enough attitude.

Source: Mexican immigrant, former illegal/undocumented, have lived all over the state and worked for my companies and industries than I care to mention, I still have genuine connections with my community all over the state, went to college in Bellingham, currently live in Cap Hill.

/r/Seattle Thread Parent