Thank you, Dark Souls. And I'm so sorry I never played you until now. I am a literal idiot for listening to people about you.

Yes. You are an idiot.

The game has a very positive all-time sndcrecrnt review rating on steam. It also has 91% on Netacrutuc - the highest of the trilogy.

Why on earth did you skip the game based on the opinions of a small number of dickheads?

Also since since when does everyone have the same taste? Just because someone else likes or dislike a game doesn't mean you won't like/dislike it. People often dislike games for very subjective reasons.

You have to try a game for yourself. If it has a very good rating among gamers on Stesm that should give you enough indication that it's safe to try the game.

Shame on you

Pity there are do many like you out there.

/r/DarkSouls2 Thread Link -