Thanks Drugs

That's not for the best, though. The point of decriminalizing drugs isn't so that everyone can get hooked on heroin if they want to-- it's to reduce the harm drug users inflict on themselves altogether.

I don't know if you've heard, but in the past few days a shitload of people have died from fentanyl overdoses (fentanyl put in heroin). If heroin addicts had access to pure heroin at known dosages, and could get that legally (and under the supervision of medical professionals), all while not in fear of going to jail... There would be a lot less dead people, and a lot easier for people to get help. Plus nobody would be making money selling shitty heroin cut with other drugs.

And then there's stuff like safe injection sites, so addicts don't completely fuck up their veins for a lack of knowing how to shoot up properly (or by reusing needles). Needle exchanges also help prevent the spread of disease.

We'd also be expending less resources locking people up for drug-related crimes.

It's very difficult to impede people's access to hard drugs, so we should reframe our approach to solving the problem. Facilitating harm reduction and educating people is the best we can do.

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