Thanks For Invalidating Me, Really Appreciate It

I am a 34 year old straight white man(I'm sorry), but I also have ADHD and Autism, just figured out I was autistic two weeks ago. You are 1000% valid. Just realizing how much Ive endured throughout my life because I'm autistic has been infuriating and painful, and I have all the other cards stacked in my favor. I can't even begin to imagine the discrimination recieved for being an autistic that's a part of a minority as well. One of my favorite things about the autistic community is we are all on even ground together. I'm proud to be a part of this community. I'm proud to be autistic and l don't know if I've ever been proud to be anything before. And you are so strong managing to navigate this allistic prejudiced hell hole that has gone out of it's way to stop you.

/r/autism Thread Link -