Thanks, I hate UPS

[  Meditation leads to awareness of telepathy, and awareness of telepathy leads to meditation.  ]

Honesty socially is more important than DOING to impress others. It’s not what we DO to build social value that matters primarily, it’s the respect we are willing to give, as well as the authenticity and sincerity we have within our personalities. The ideas we choose to participate in matter most: they are either friendly or cruel socially. There is no DOING in society that creates authority socially by default and replaces honesty and empathy with anger and zero accountability. The minds that participate in that idea are manipulative, judgmental, and cruel. Authoritarians use either body size, looks, or material development as a basis to judge other human beings endlessly.

Authoritarianism is a head game men play when they refuse to share honesty (friendship) socially in order to seek power. Authoritarians are completely biased against ideas supporting telepathy, free thinking, and level states of being. Ideas rooted in the spiritual are promoted as “not important” by controlling men with character issues. Spiritual ideas immediately decentralize power, elevate mood, reduce manipulation, and eliminate leadership. Spirituality places much more emphasis on social inclusion, honesty (friendship), and collective consciousness. Alphas / authoritarians weaponize materialistic development (DOING) and use it as a reason to remain unfriendly (dishonest) and critical. Dishonesty is the only way the idea of “power” may exist socially. When friendship is seen as much more important than power, material development is subservient to mood. When material development is used to boost self worth and reduce others socially, mood is subordinate to power.

Ideas supporting free thinking (telepathy, cooperation, and honesty) encourage growth of the human persona, are anti-manipulative, and remove the idea of “power” from the human mind. Men focused on the immaterial (personality) and on honesty (friendship) are more developed socially than controlling alphas consumed with power. Authoritarians intentionally remain closed-minded, antagonistic (blame), and manipulative (controlling), while also forming intense judgments (jealousy) about more emotionally developed men, in order to seek power. Emotional men with evolved personas possess honesty and humor within the mind, and never extend the idea of leadership to anyone. This makes them a threat socially to dishonest, critical men focused on power. Leadership is not warm, nor is it real. It is used in practice to reduce pride in others socially to boost self worth in an individual. Men focused on telepathy and honesty (friendship) socially are contradictory to self appointed authority figures that promote leadership (play head games). Men with inherent worth (love within) are always offensive to men trying to prove worth with material development.

All men understand consciousness (Source) and have a conscience. Possessing a conscience is knowing right from wrong. No man is exempt from understanding Source (love) within, and all men know what a conscience is. Comparing the human being to an unaware animal is manipulative. It’s an excuse authoritarians focus on to promote the idea of “power”, while ignoring Source (love) and feelings within. Our feelings indicate right from wrong and connection to the minds of other people. In order to seek power, which is the intent to emotionally reduce other human beings with money or violence, alphas must feign unawareness of knowing a conscience. Focusing on telepathy and collective consciousness within the mind (caring about feelings) is the exact opposite of being a human animal playing dumb. Being EQUAL TO in the mind socially IS secure, and the ONLY true expression of emotional security that exists. Alphas refuse to acknowledge the spiritual, and refuse to focus away from being human animals (social inequality). When men lie, they will always remain violent and alpha. Friendly men do not lie, and when men refuse to lie, they are threatening to less aware men.

Alphas (authoritarians and DOERS) have low feelings of self worth, mental instability, manipulative personalities, and severe emotional issues resulting from the intense focus on the ideas of advantages over others and of apathy. Ideas such as these are rooted in social dominance, not friendship (honesty). Alphas are homophobic when it comes to feelings (love and compassion), and often resort to blame and paranoia to maintain a false sense of emotional security. Alphas are deeply insecure about the emotional intelligence in other men. When men possess emotional depth, it means they care about other people, have level minds socially, and think very highly of other human beings in general. We are all spiritual beings and telepathic. There is no choice but to be honest (friendly) socially, and to focus on the ultimate truth of what reality is (connection with Source). Men with evolved personalities refuse to manipulate the truth and to seek power socially. Seeking power means to be endlessly critical, materialistic, and cruel socially. Men with emotional depth focus on honesty within the mind much more often than alphas, and this is why they are non-violent.

The idea of a social hierarchy (human authority) is degrading and humiliating. It promotes closed-mindedness, fear, and the social inclusion of violence. Non-conformist men focused on telepathy and possessing elevated emotions (more honesty) are judged relentlessly by alphas refusing to evolve. Alphas intentionally share the same judgments about more emotionally complex men, while keeping a false sense of security together. Alphas seek validation from each other socially, since the ideas they participate in together are rooted in dishonor. Alphas judge friendly, emotionally sensitive men the most because they possess more honesty, more self control towards others, and have the courage to show love (truth) to conformity. Passing excessive, unprovoked judgments (authoritarianism) on a better psychology, wavelength, and state of being is jealousy. These judgments always relate to honesty, social harmony, and non-violence. Alphas rely on power of numbers to keep ideas going that are manipulative, threatening, and aggressive socially towards men that have already focused away from machismo (lying and fear), and towards telepathy, honesty, and Source. Men that refuse to evolve into non-violence and remain alpha will always promote vibrational attacks socially against more emotionally developed men, and also focus on manipulation of the truth and head games.

Intelligence is always associated with emotional IQ, and emotional IQ has a direct correlation to the mental focus on social equality. Social equality can only result from honesty within the mind. The reason men chose to be honest socially is always the same: they are aware telepathy is real and they don’t like looking stupid. Alphas primarily focus on dominance and social image, and focus almost entirely away from feelings (telepathy). This reduces their emotional IQ socially. Because of this, alphas will always feel inferior to more honest men. Alphas must always focus on acting skills to socialize, since the inner persona is focused only on aggression, violence, and dishonesty. This creates a shallow personality socially with a dumb vibe. Selfish men with violence in the mind (alphas) will always show jealousy to non-violent men with emotional depth. This is because only non-violent men can form honest outer personas socially that are not shallow and more trustworthy. Shallow minds are not highly thought of or respected when it comes to awareness and are often avoided socially, which hurts the minds of men that possess a lower psychology. This can often create a violent reaction in alphas socially unprovoked. When thinking in men is focused primarily on honesty and awareness, feelings radiate warm and soft. Men that have violence, manipulation, and cruelty inside the mind radiate ice cold, threatening, hard feelings.

Machismo and compassion are polar opposites. Machismo will never allow for healing to occur, while compassion is the promotion of both healing and emotional growth. Men focused on compassion and maturity will always outsmart manipulative men with arrogance and no respect for other people. Men will either allow healing (level thinking) to occur socially, or they will attempt to take away pride from others to artificially boost feelings of self worth. Men with machismo will always attempt to seek an image of more value socially by cheating (violence, greed, or leadership). Judgements from alphas usually have little substance. Only judgments relating to character issues (dishonesty), violence, or an excessively critical mind have real substance. Passing judgments on men for being honest (friendly) is shallow, arrogant, and completely against the development of our collective consciousness socially. Judgments from alphas are often hypocritical, cruel, and reside in dishonor. Shallow judgments from authoritarians will always lead to drama, inequality, and violence. Alphas focus entirely on cutting other men down unfairly in order to promote a better social image, and then call it “competitive”.

It’s time for human beings to end alpha psychology / authoritarianism for good. It has no place between human beings socially, and it never did belong. Only jealous and dishonest men with character issues focus on authority, leadership, and alpha. Materialistic development and social image can never be used to supplement dishonesty, cruelty, and endless judgments from personalities that refuse to evolve. Mature minds focus on the souls of each other and are naturally friendly, emotionally secure, level in the mind, and easy to get along with. Alphas focus on head games, violence, stagnation, and conniving.

End the head game.

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