Thanks, I needed this ladder

Looking at the points, the ones in the picture(save for 1) are low ranked, could be because of 2 or 3 reasons:

  1. They don't play anymore

  2. They dislike pvp/don't give a shit about pvp

  3. They forgot to set their defense team for whatever reasons

The only anomaly is the guy with Maid Chloe, I can think of a few reasons but I'm not sure... probably just trying to jebait others(newcomers/mega casual players like me/people who refresh for easy fights), though if that's his intentions, I doubt he gets many wins that way. I've seen some people do a variety of these tricks, some put a fully awakened 6* in a party of level 30/40s, probably hoping people won't notice it/too late to notice. Some put Ravi/Destina only or Haste/Destina, or solo Ravi/Haste, either for flexing or trying to catch people off guard.

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