Thanks, thanks, thanks, thank you, thanks.

A lot of other industries receive tips. Not just servers. Also, you work for money. If you weren't getting paid, you probably would not be bending over backwards for people. I worked my 8 years of retail too. Endured the abuse in retail too. Difference was, if I wanted to walk away and not come back, I could do that and it would not affect my wage. With any industry that offers a service, you aren't allowed to walk away. You just smile and nod because your bills rely on getting that tip.

Not to mention the shit servers I've had the pleasure of working with in my time. Or even as a sales associate in retail working with other sales associates that are lazy twats! They'll be making the same wage as you but getting away with doing half the damn work. At least if a tip is thrown in the mix, it makes those lazy bitches more inclined to do the proper work.

You bet your fucking ass I'm not running my ass to the back for your ranch and holding my pee for 3 hours if I'm only making a meh wage for the job I do.

Not to mention, I have to have special licensing to even HAVE my job. Follow many STRICT laws. And if I'm busted even breaking one of those, I get fined and lose my license and there goes my career. I have to have wine, beer, liquor and food knowledge. Most places require extensive training which include tests and shit. Like this job isn't retail. At all. It's a HARD job. I am actually liable for people and shit.

I'm not disagreeing with you in saying tipping culture SUCKS. But honestly, no one could afford to keep good servers and bartenders around to do the shit they do. It would turn into a self service place. Wait in line, order your food and drinks, sit down. Stuff might get dropped at table or you may pick up at counter. Need a ranch? Go wait in line. Tipping for service sucks? Remove the service aspect out of it then and you won't have to do it. Because no one could pay anyone who offers a service ENOUGH an hour to deal with the shit they deal with.

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