that's why you should learn about Algorithms

Okay I’ll take stab at this because I used to drive for Uber. I’ll give an example, the Uber algorithm would decide who is the closet driver to the requester by Euclidean distance, not road distance.

If you are camping next to road that feeds directly to the airport (these rides usually get the most money) and is easy to get to, but is kinda far away, you won’t get the airport callers.

Conversely, if you camp in a back road close to the terminals, but takes an extra 10 minutes to get on the main road, you will get called first.

We had turf wars in that Uber drivers would literally park their cars as close as possible or wait in line to inch to the closest Euclidean distance they can.

This could be an example for recognizing the algorithm used Euclidean distance rather than time to destination as a feature for being selected as the next driver, thus earning you more money. Once I realized this, I actually did earn more money. I would position myself in the closest spot, not necessarily the easiest driving spot rather.

Hope that helps!

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