[TheAthleticUK, Sam Lee] Manchester City have offered De Bruyne a contract for 5 years but with a salary lower than the current one. One of these reasons is that the club's intention is to save money for Messi's deal.

Yes there are a few old players on extortionate wages but they're the exception to the norm. The fact that Real are paying extortionate wages for players in their mid 30s is probably one of the reason for their decline.

So then I'm not deluded? And nobody was arguing here that it was common practice, but they do exist and you saying that I'm deluded because they don't exist is laughable.

Here's a source for the Bundesliga from 2008. There's no reason to suggest that the correlation has changed.

That's not how studies work... because you're too lazy to look up recent statistics, you use old stats and say "no reason to believe something changed". It's like pulling up data from the 80s regarding global warming and telling people nowadays, we have no reason to believe it has gotten any worse.

I wonder how far you can keep digging that hole. The backpedals on you are insane.

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