Theft of Life

A telecommunications device is an interesting item of selection as it walks the line between necessary and opulence depending on your social condition. Like much of ride sharing has developed in ways that can only reasonably be used via such a device; and more importantly it’s not necessarily the device so much as as a vector of function. Like getting you to a place to perform labor. Which is necessary whether or not you exist in a predominantly capitalist framework. Whereas if you live somewhere you walk to work it’s not as necessary in that context but could perform an enhanced feature that eliminates tertiary labor like physical mail delivery. Which can eliminate a share of fossil fuel emissions. At the end of the day personal property is a socially defined baseline of ‘needs’ related to your place in a social function. Private property is the ownership of property that produces capital or retains value to leverage as capital. A phone doesn’t explicitly do those things but can be an object of conspicuous consumption; IE your peers all have a thing so you get the thing to shore social status. I hope that kinda makes sense, I’m a bit new to it all myself.

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