Then he became the next pewdiepie

It makes good money if you're able to find an audience. A subscriber is a viewer that's agreed to a recurring $5/month payment. After everyone takes their cut, you'll likely see $2-3 of those dollars. 200 sustained subscribers represents a fairly successful channel, which is hard but not impossible.

If you can get that far, it mostly depends on how many revenue streams you can keep up. Streamers of competitive games can score a lot of tips when something exciting happens. People who do more long-form or creative content often have Patreon accounts tiding them over between streams. Lots of companies are looking to sponsor streamers, and the money you get from that is going to scale with your audience.

Quitting school at 64 youtube subs, however. That's iffy. We do live in a world where people pay to watch other people watch anime, though. So like... maybe try to talk them into a GED at least.

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