And then there’s this cunt.

The killing part no, murders never ok, but trying to get all the blacks out of America yes. Even though, coincidentally, it’s the whites fault they’re even here. Now they’re running rampant, overpopulating the prisons, and wearing pants below they’re ass. Should they die? No. No violence, I think taking the Donald trump approach, would be best. Not focus on the Mexicans, they’re hard workers and do nothing but contribute to society. They mow your lawns, build your bridges and roads, etc. Blacks? They sit their asses on the couch collecting welfare checks, abandon their kids ( fathers do, mothers just beat them) rob liquor stores, and commit the majority of crimes in the country. Hence, why the majority of prison is black. No we shouldn’t harm them or kill them, I think we should find a way to send them out of the country. Donald trump is focused on the wrong race.

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