"Theoretically speaking, completely unregulated capitalism ends with 1 person with 100% of all money, and every other person with 0%."

Actually I asked you whether you'd worked with people facing those difficulties before, INVITING you to give me a reasonable argument from that perspective if you had one. But the only thing you're doing is spouting your dismissive crap, using the fact that you had worked there as more "proof" for your argument from authority.

As for not wanting money but wanting to live a reasonable life...

It's white noise to you because you don't understand anything other than money and people wanting it. I don't give a shit about buying crap, I actually actively avoid it. The only reason I use money to house myself and pay for healthcare and food is because there is no alternative where I live. I do a reasonable amount of work and I'm getting a reasonable amount of money. Once I get my Ph.D. I'll be making boatloads more than I need to be happy, and in my opinion it would be much more useful in the hands of those people who need it to climb out of poverty. I'm probably going to be pressured by my tax lawyer mom and my girlfriend who wants a super nice house to spend it all in my own name. It's sad that people in this society are so hellbent on getting things that are outside of the average person's means that they're willing to keep all of this wealth to themselves. All of the people that I know are part of that society.

My brother decided he didn't give a crap about all that stuff and got YEARS of torment from our parents about how his life was going to fail without money, almost being disowned multiple times before finally giving in. I have to keep myself financially stable in order to avoid backlash from my family, friends, possibly even my SO because of the rampant wealth entitlement in this country. Maybe I could find new family, friends, and lovers that wouldn't put me in this position, but I don't want money, and I wish that we had a reasonable social welfare system in this country so that every person who did a reasonable amount of work wouldn't NEED money to survive.

The more we do to better the economy, the closer we get to having a safety net for all people who wish to live nothing but a reasonable life without accruing wealth in their own name, and work for fulfillment and the betterment of society instead of selfish reasons. That is why I want the economy to thrive. So one day I won't need money to survive.

/r/badeconomics Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com