Theory: I believe I have figured out how to approach and solve problems like Elon Musk. I believe that I can teach the method to almost anyone.

Interesting ideas, thanks for sharing. I don't have time right now to address all of your points but I made some repsonses. If you want my opinion on anything else you said, just let me know.

Thank you. Evolutionarily-speaking, in the age of the hunter-gatherers, we learned primarily through trial-and-error. 15,000 years ago, If something didn't work quite well the first time, around, we would naturally modify our strategy until we found a solution to the problem at hand.

I am not sure what you mean by evolutionarily speaking but there has been no large biological changes in humans for hundreds of thousands of years. The humans 15,000 years ago were the same as we are today. The main difference on a biological level is how our brains are more developed and capable due to proper nutrition during our developmental years. Also, you see the changes by comparing the IQ scores of people even decades ago to our average IQ scores. We are a little smarter now.

I imagine it would be more appropriate to say historically speaking instead.

Once born, we are reliant on someone else to care for us until we reach an age where we can start to contribute and learn. We stayed home with the gatherers while the men were out on a hunt, but we weren't just sitting idle. We were learning the skills necessary to become the next generation of hunter.

Just like in any human society, and in many different species as well, the parents or other adults raise their young and give them the skills they need to surive and contribute to society when they are older. The skills that are necessary to survive can vary a lot depending on the economy. The skills that were required for hunters and gathers were very different from agricultural economies, industrial economies, and service based economies. The children of today are being taught the skills they need to surivive in our economy. You don't need much practical skills to be a competent burger flipper, taxi driver, or salesman, for example.

We we9re learning all of that information and so much more by the time we were six or seven years old.

By the time we are seven we will have learned so much more than people even decades ago have learned. I agree that the education is not doing the best it can to prepare students for the real world but it will change over time.

We live in the age of the internet and our children are learning less and less practical skills with each passing decade.
Using the internet is a very valuable skill in today's day and age and increases people's ability to aquire new skills.

There are millions of Americans who are useless to society today, because they failed to comprehend.

I am not sure what you mean by the failed to comprehend but how are you making that connection between that and the value people bring to society? I agree that the vast majority of people are not concerned with helping society to any large degree. However, I would probably put the blame on people's obsession with consumerism which is demonstrated by many people's goal of acquiring as much momey as possible and using many different goods and services. For example, people want to retire even if they are physicall and mentally well, people want to work as little as possible, they want to spend unnecessary money and time on cars, their house, travelling, music, sports, video games, hobbies, and clothes for example.

People like Elon Musk are concerned with helping civilization. Advertising influences people's behavior and goals to focus on other things. When was the last time you saw any advertisements related to encouraging people to use as little oil as possible, donate to chairties, volunteer their time, don't retire, help others around, or fight for sustainable environment and resource use. Even if you have seen some advertisements related to those actions, try estimate the ratio of ads you have seen between business and helping civilization.

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