Theory on what Bane might do

You're the one who left a hanging sentence comment as an opinion/question about what I meant. I'm not arguing. I confirmed what I meant and reiterated my opinion. The word "argument" doesn't always mean an angry exchange -- it can also mean: "exchange of diverging or opposite views." Of course, when you decided to tell me your opinion of what you thought of me (i.e. that this show isn't what I'm looking for), I decided to give you my opinion of what I thought of your opinion-- which is an exchange, if you will, of viewpoints.

I'm not the one who used a hanging sentence, as you did, that implied the possibility of man-hating views, which then another user decided must be the case and so on. I can and have the right to get upset, although that doesn't imply that I'm hysteric or out of my mind, that the showrunners shifted their focus from strong Lee and Barbara in almost equal footing to many of the male characters, although not equal screen time, obviously, to making those two characters and others sacrifices in the final season to build up the other characters who all happen to be male... for no good reason. And, arguably, they are both as important as Bruce and Jim at this point... for no other reason than the showrunners have now made them critical to empowering the male characters in one way or another.

As for the Batman mythos... Gotham is an AU, which means that the importance of one character over another from canon doesn't actually matter as much here. The writers, showrunners, Fox and WB had no problem presenting strong female characters while it served them. Sure, it could be argued that other women who died like Fish only did so to move along Oswald's plot and make him reconsider some things, Essen's death was to push along Jim, Harvey and the GCPD, etc., but Lee and Barbara kept being brought back as being not only important to the stories of the men in the show, but having their own stories as well. Now? Meh. Now they're just the good wife and baby factory, everything they struggled to be and build have become meaningless and either or both will likely be fridged.... all for the sake of pushing along the stories of the male characters in an AU where there is absolutely no reason that female characters, who viewers have been following just as much as Bruce, Jim, Ed and Oswald, can't be on equal footing with the men.

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