Theory: Is Wonder Woman stronger than Superman?

Powerscaling works with analysing feats. Superman is physically far stronger and faster than any DCEU character. Easiest way to say it is Superman= atleast Multi continental(tanked the energy and ripped apart the motherboxes which can terraform planets, also stated by Bruce Wayne to be stronger than a planet, and shifted tectonic plates in BvS but offscreen) And his speed is atleast near lightspeed scaling from flash For WW she would be atleast Island level for scaling from weajer Ares who defeated Zeus who created themyscira with Speed atleast combat and reaction around mach 30,000(scaling from Cyborg who reacted to Supes' heat vision which is stated to be a beam of light and and shown properties of light) WW held her own against Doomsday because of Shield and Sword and she was swept away with a single heat vision after she lost'em. So Kryptonians are physically much superior and Supes seems to get stronger the longer he absorbs the sun's radiation

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