Theorycrafting Thursdays Weekly Discussion

Hey guys, first time posting here! I remember watching reynad27 testing some kind of Rogue face/aggro decks and I wanted to give it a try. I actually had a lot of fun smorcing people with some insane turn 4 lethals. Obliterated Pirate Warriors / Jade Druids / Renos (that drew bad early) / Aggro Shamans. I, on the other hand, struggled against reno and miracle decks that drew decent. I haven't had the time to grind a lot of games with the deck yet, but I think this list with some changes can be very strong! (don't laugh)

Here's the deck list: 2 Backstab 2 Bladed Cultist 2 Cold Blood 1 Patches the Pirate 2 Small-Time Buccaneer 2 Southsea Deckhand 2 Swashburglar 2 Eviscerate 2 Sap 2 Undercity Huckster 2 Argent Horserider 1 Edwin Vancleef (just replaced Thalnos with this) 2 Silithid Swarmer 2 Defender of Argus 1 Xaril, Poisoned Mind 2 Azure Drake 1 Leeroy Jenkins

I don't like Defias since he's wrecked by Patches even if you coin him turn 1.

Do you think the Deathrattle package with Mounted Raptor and Hoarders is better? What's some solid 2 drops? Is Edwin enough if used as 4/4 most of the time (or 6/6) I think its good enough for this deck.


/r/hearthstone Thread