Therapists of reddit, what’s something that a client has taught YOU (unknowingly) that you still treasure?

As someone, who is currently trying to move on from that mindset: These people are not actually self-satisfied. They lie to themselves, just like they lie to others. People who achieved real self-satisfaction focus on what is important to them, not on bringing others down, for their own satisfaction.

I know, it's hard not to take these things to hearth, but in reality, you should only pity people with that mindset. I mean, how screwed up, do you need to be, to still obsess over someone after they moved on, in a negative way?

I only learned this, when I apologized to people that I did treat unfairly. Most of these people, already moved past what happend, sometimes even forgot about it. It's a matter of not turning bitter, because of the negative experiences you had.

That's just my impression, of course, so take it with a grain of salt.

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