There is absolutely no goddamn reason why you should have 10 kids.

In my dad's side they are 8( 10 if not, cus my grandma had triplets but 2 of them passed away at birth)in my mom's side 8 of them as well and before that, my great grandfather from my dad's side had many wives and concubines' so yeah...that kinda have set the whole tradition of having a big ass family plus they're African so u imagine

There's 6 of us in my family, would have been 7 instead but one of my brothers passed away...however I would say that we don't all have the same amount of love and affection cus favoritism also plays its parts too especially when youre constanly compared to your other siblings and I actually think that my dad kinda gave me an hint that somehow he wanted many children for economy reasons so they could depose more wealth assuming that all of us would go to university and partake in some 6 figure jobs and run businesses

/r/unpopularopinion Thread