there is any case reported of a female school shooter?

There only ever been three female school shooters that fired at whom ever they came across rather that targeting an individual. They are Jillian Robbins in 1996 and Alec McKinney in 2019 and a sixth grader in 2021. Brenda Spencer does not technically count. While she may have shared the psychology of other school shooters in that she had an abusive relationship with her father and was not living in very good conditions and her psychopathic non chalant to behavior in the shooting. The things that prevents her from being a true school shooter is she sniped at the school instead of going directly inside and she had no affiliation with the school whatsoever. She just happend to live close enough in range to fire at it. Who’s to say she wouldn’t have fired at another building if it had been in place of the school? Likewise there have been other teens that planned a school shooting and commited an attack outside of the school instead, and yet they don’t earn any recognition as a school shooter even though they could have easily been one.

That said there have been a couple attacks commited by females without the use of a firearm and numerous failed plots by female columbiners.

/r/masskillers Thread