Firstly, I appreciate your response, and agree with almost all of your points. My only disagreement is this.
I AM NOT ATTACKING MUSICIANS. I respect anyone that takes the time and makes the effort to make any style or genre of music for the right reasons. Truly, I do. A lot of that music I honestly don't like still. But I can respect something as having value even if I don't like it. If someone is making a sincere effort to learn and their early work is awful, I would never attack them for that. I never attack anyone on a personal level. It's not my thing. That's why I made a general rant that wasn't aimed at any one specific person. I don't like to make individual people feel bad about themselves. I think the people that are the most offended by this are probably people that know on some level this applies to them. I could be wrong. Either way.
What I am attacking are NON-MUSICIANS trying to make music. Why are they doing it? It's not for the love of it. It's not because they have a passion for music or because they need an escape from their pain in a meaningful way that allows them to express themselves without judgement. That clearly is not the music or people I am talking about. These people want instant gratification and fame. That's their entire motive. Let's be fucking honest about it. It's okay to hurt those peoples feelings. People are getting way too soft. If you have shitty intentions and motives for doing something that hurts the overall state of something bigger than you, criticism is well deserved and merited. I will never change my opinion on that.
Anyways, thanks again for your response. And I fully agree with you that mainstream media is a huge part of the problem, there is no doubt about that. We used to honor and respect people in all walks of life that did something admirable or that took a lot of time and practice and dedication to achieve something. Now we glorify people that are literally famous for having done absolutely nothing other than be a celebrity. Of course there is going to be a trickle down effect on music from that. People want the fastest and easiest path to success now and it shows.