Is there any point to sleeping now?

I have some experiences with insomnia and poor sleep, being up for about a week at a time. It sucks after a while, when I was younger it was easy... All natural, didn't really bother me, I could keep it cool. Later I started hurting and cracking up. Like my whole body would ache if I was up to long. Then I would sleep and it was just like up and down, no matter the hour. I had been to war living off minimal schedules. The shit stuck with me for a time but I do not take sleep for granted. Some people can just hang with it, they're wired for it. I made it a time and just started losing it, maybe the will too. I'm a big guy, higher maintenance, those no sleep sniper guys are usually the bean pole string beans crème of the crop psychiatrics you would ever meet. They can hang with staying up for ages at a time without losing composure. Some people are wire for it, I ultimately think it's about resources. I have a resource heavy body, a weenie man has low maintenance.

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