Is there any reason to play MWII 6v6 over MW2019

So two things, the community is not homogenous so plenty of us have been here the whole time loving this game.

Second the people that are still here probably love the game still.

In my opinion it is one of the best cods. You can like whatever you like I truly mean that. I wouldn't even care if they didn't literally just f*** this title so hard all the time. MW2 is nothing like 2019 and it's nothing like the original titles. And again you can love it but it's nothing like the original titles they ripped off the name.

And anybody that thinks otherwise like overgrown, countdown, we had footsteps like people have such insane rose colored glasses. And again like what you like enjoy what you enjoy but a lot of people like this game and the style of this game and that's why we're still here.

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