Is there any room for conservative transwomen?

It's not really my personality traits or gender roles that make me female, though. I had male and female interests as a kid but it had nothing to do with gender, it was just what I liked. And yet I understood that I was female at such a young age.

I believe it goes far deeper than just interests, and I've yet to be able to explain it. It's just an essence of self that I don't think people would fully comprehend unless they were challenged with it themselves. What I'm trying to explain doesn't really use language that people who don't go through with it understand. It's like I'm seeing a color that other people aren't, but trying to explain the color to you doesn't work. If you understand that analogy, you can understand better where I'm coming from at a base level. So of course it gets frustrating trying to describe what it's like.

I think people are so connected to the fact that penis = male and everyone they know who has a penis = male and that it's so rare for this to differentiate. There isn't ever a NEED to question that, nor is there any reason to believe that the two aren't mutually exclusive because that's just everyday life. But what happens when the two become mutually exclusive in an individual, take your mind into thinking what that must feel like. If everyone treated you the way society treats me.

Do you sorta get it?

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