Is there anything I could to improve the dialogue in this transcript of mine? [FEEDBACK]

I will look into that option, thank you for bringing that into my attention.

One another note, this whole topic of dialogue has inspired me to write this tangent. Feel free to disagree with me, but I'm adding my own two cents on my little experiences in writing.

Writing convincing dialogue is so damn challenging. At least to me, it's really difficult to write in the perspective of someone that isn't When writing any sort of fiction, you basically have to conjure up at the very least two completely different people. Then you have to imagine how they react to different scenarios, how they behave, their world views, and anything else that makes them their own person. In life, a person usually (but certainly not always) only sees the world in their own lens. It takes a lot of skill to be to put yourself in someone else's shoes, without adding in your own biases.

For example, I'm not an experienced thirty something year old+ parent. I don't truly know what it's actually like to raise children of mine. I'm not going to give away my exact age here, but I am not at that age range yet. I don't truly know what life is actually like for them, or what challenges they go through. Hence why it's very difficult for me to convincingly write in their PoV. This is probably the reason why Zelda came across more as a "teenager" (as the other commenter in this thread put it) then an actual 31 year old.

I'm I making any sense in my tangent?

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