There are LOADS of solution to climate change… So why aren’t they working?

It may or may not be that they meant Jewish people when they said bankers. It’s an antisemitic stereotype that Jewish people are greedy bankers, and the way in which it was written made me feel like it may have been meant as an antisemitic dogwhistle. While I don’t know them and don’t know if that was their intention, what made me feel this way was that I felt uncomfortable because of their use of the word bankers and looked at their post history, where they posted about a disposable generation multiple times to this subreddit and r/sustainability, and also discussed conspiracy theories about 5G, and that made me feel like they may have been using bankers as an antisemitic dogwhistle.

Once again, I don’t know them nor their intentions so it’s entirely possible that they don’t mean for it to seem that way and if that’s the case I apologize to them.

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