I know there are lots of statistical analyses of WoT out there, but I went through Goodreads and looked at the ratings for each book

The Dragon Reborn actually has very little of the Dragon. This is a great point for some as we start to get Mat chapters and more perspectives. At the same time while having so, so many great secondary characters, they still can’t over shadow Rand. His arc is one of the best in literature.

Meanwhile, Shadow’s Rising has Perrin returning home, which is my favorite bit of his story by far. He doesn’t really get really good again until the end, with an exception of his absolute bro status at Dumai’s Wells.

You get Rand in the wastes, discovering the Aiel’s backstory, this section is up there amongst peoples favorites. He finds Avendesora as a bonus neat surprise.

Not only do they find it, Mat comes out of yet another redstone doorway and hangs from it. This begins what I consider the beginning of end game Mat, but isn’t really catalyzed until the battle for Cairhien. He starts out as a scoundrel youth, has his dagger phase, begins his next stage as the gambler with his luck, then finally receives his medallion and his battle sense at this moment. He’s acquired his traits and his purpose, and soon fate will deliver him his armies.

Then the ending with the rain in the wastes, the proclamation of Rand, and another end game boss fight with the power. This one is one another level with the Choeden Kal being introduced. But this time rather than checking off another name on the forsaken list he captures one (with the help of another) and forces him to instruct him with the power.

Every book has their own great parts, this one just had a high density of awesome sections.

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