There are so many inherently broken/degenerate aspects of trickstars

Trickstar is not that bad. Yes the consistency with the Sky Strikers is bullshit (although that’s a problem with Engage more than the trickstars) and yes the the Droll Reincarnation combo is bullshit but outside of that what is wrong with it? It’s an archetype that burns with weak ass monsters. The field spell not being a HOPT is just how field spells are these days. Dragonic Diagram is another example of a not HOPT field spell. Scapegoat is just a dumb card in general but it’s not trickstars fault it exists. Lycoris is nowhere near broken and just allows for some field presence and recycling of Candina. Now am I saying the deck shouldn’t be hit. Fuck no the deck needs to be hit. Just keep in mind it’s not as bad as Zoodiac or full power SPYRAL (imo anyway, you may think otherwise but results from tournaments say you were playing those decks or you were screwed) It’s just a good deck and there’s nothing wrong with a deck being good. As for the time rules that’s Konami’s fault and not an inherent problem with Trickstars.

/r/yugioh Thread