There are no games for Linux. I'm definitely NOT playing Witcher 3 on uber settings. It's all in my head.

Are you even using up do date drivers with your Debian install?

How about not using Debian as your Linux distro of choice, because it's not the best one out there for gaming.

You want better performance, use a distro like Solus / Arch / Ubuntu, that offers easy access to up to date drivers.

I have a 1070, and I have around 200fps (as far as I recall with some dips to 150-160, also your talk about 300 fps is total bullcrap, because the game is capped at 200fps). Did you even run it with Vulkan, or did you use OpenGL?

You are just trolling at this point. Does YoRHa have a magic crystal ball, and knows what kind of hardware are you using? Does he know your driver version? Does he know, if your OS install / setup is screwed up in some way?

Also, the majority of problems you listed before regarding some games - these are not Linux problems. All it is, is a job poorly done by the devs of the game. That's it. Don't go blaming Linux for it, blame the devs for making a shit version.

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