'There are pretty much Zero Repercussions for being a rapist'

/u/dovercliff "formal warning" go fuck yourself you fucking vainglorious cocksucker - piss off with your fucking formal warnings - what's an informal warning? Fucking loser - playing cowboys and fucking indians on a website. Go fuck yourself and your stick-gun. Pewpewpew.

Fuck you, you fucking contemptible, weird. aspergers, fuck up, moronic duickwad.

lol. Fucking permanent ban this username, oh lordy, what will I ever do. What a fucking load of hard work you went to for me not to give a shit. Fuck off.

Formal fucking warning. You fucking moron.

Warning this is your OFFICIAL LOL. LOL

/u/_PM_ME_YOUR_CLIT_, this is a formal warning under Rule 3B. Rule 3: DON'T BE A SCHMUCK. 3A: Don't make fun of people with genuine problems like cancer, autism, or depression, or some medical issue that you might not believe is real, but feel free to make fun of anyone who's self-diagnosed with something and is clearly bullshitting. You know where the line is. 3B: Also, treat your fellow shitlords excellently. Don't tear them down just because they're a proud feminist (or MRA, or libertarian, or communist or whatever). Respectfully disagree, if you do. Personal attacks are dick moves, so don't make them (and that goes for how you respond to the mods as well). Name calling or starting a flamewar/general dickheadness will not be tolerated. Be civil, we are here to laugh. 3C: Also, Try not to post blogs where the blogger is under 16. It is not always going to be apparent, but when it is, don't post it. The rationale here is that 13 year old otherkin is a lot different than a 30 year old one. One is a kid that is likely just going through a phase and the other one is a grown ass adult that has made a choice to be otherkin. That is just an example though and other areas we deal with have the same sort of rationale. There is no need for a ton of people goofing on a dopey kid when there are a ton of dopey adults out there. If you have a question about, or wish to open a discussion regarding, a moderation decision, including one made by another moderator, please message the TiA moderation team by clicking here, instead of responding to this post. Please include a direct link to the post in question when you message us!

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com