We know there are tips and guides on how to prevent a genocide, but there should be more on how to SURVIVE a genocide when one actually happens.

I do think COVID was a pretty grim exercise in eugenics and arguably a genocide. It’s incredible how many people just raised the hugest stink at the prospect of mildly inconveniencing themselves rather than helping the collective, and even grosser that this selfish mindset was politicized.

As someone who underwent cancer treatment during the worst of it, I seriously felt like I was trying to survive a zombie outbreak. Getting COVID would have set my treatment back weeks if not months - when my surgeries and radiation sessions were already delayed due to antimaskers and antivaxxers clogging up hospitals and straining healthcare workers. My life was on the line and not a day went by that I wasn’t reminded how many people didn’t give a damn whether I lived or died.

It took a lot of effort and creative thinking (and money, ugh) but for nearly half a year I managed to avoid setting foot anywhere other than my cancer centre, my home, and my parents’ house. This took a lot of planning and research. I made a “dossier” of sorts filled with the best delivery services and transportation options (as buses and subways were a no-no), and distributed it to a support network of friend and family volunteers. I managed to get through treatment without getting sick, but I can say that all the planning and caution and care in the world can’t make up for the selfish and sociopathic jackasses who don’t care about your survival. I was lucky. Many others weren’t.

/r/VaushV Thread