There are two people playing chess. One of the players can read minds, and the other players can see into the future. Who is gonna win?

Can the future be changed?

The question implies the player who can see the future will choose moves based on what they see in the "future". Most notable they'll do moves to stop the opponent from doing something they foresaw, but in doing so the future they saw won't come to pass, can that be done? Or is the future they see based on the move they were always going to make, will free will being an illusion.

More interestingly actually, can the clairvoyant (CV) see potential futures, like Dr. Strange in Infinity War? Or is it just he can seethe state of the board 3mins in the future. Can CV think "If I move this bishop to there, he'll then go there, but if I move bishop to there instead, he'll do this". If this is the case then CV is in theory unbeatable as even if his mind can be read his mind being read will be part of the future he sees and acts upon.

/r/WouldYouRather Thread