There are two types of anarchists.

it's completely sensible to suggest a rapist's aggression and a possible rape victim's self-defense are equally immoral

Yea, authoritarians sure know how to maintain logical consistency /s. Morality is axiomatic. You either recognize the logical truth that the only reason acts such as assault, murder, theft, and rape are immoral are because they are non-consensual, involuntary infringments on the property of others - that is they are acts of aggression or initiatory force - or you principally don't and anything is subjectively justified as long as it benefits you. Those who acknolwedge the former consistently are morally consistent anarcho-capitalists/pure libertarians, those who don't are immoral, truly selfish (because it's you trash who advocate theft for your benefit that are selfish, not we who consistently oppose your aggression - you worthless, equivocating sophist fucks) authoritarians degenerates like yourself.

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